HITMXE®: a method for lasting change by challenging the status quo

Evaluating the state of business change globally, simultaneously taking inspiration from pioneers, artists and institutions that have made the world better, it’s clear that businesses today need to be more human to realise future potential.

John Harris sci-fi vision of a future world

Humans In The Machine is a boutique consultancy specialized in helping Start-ups, SMEs, MNCs and institutions make smart choices that promote positive, lasting change by focusing on finding causes, divergent thought processes and harmonizing humanity with technology.

Embracing futurism with enthusiasm, like science fiction of old.

The world needs more challengers. Everyone can adopt a challenger mindset.

HITMXE® helps businesses break through their specific barriers to change and to realise their future potential.


Cyborg views ruined industrial machine world

The status quo

We live in a machine that is designed to get us to neglect what is important about life.”

Professor Tim Kasser

Tired-looking man staring madly at smartphone

The Attention Economy is thriving at our expense.

Compulsive attention-seeking has become normalized and commoditized. The hit of short-term validation impinges long-term choice and is as true of an expectant social media scroller, as it is an expectant financial analyst, or an expectant CEO.

The HITMXE® method creates lasting change through focus on enjoying the process.

  • Helps teams take action through diagnosis of a presenting problem causing growing pain.

  • Creates team headspace through targeted pain relief having diagnosed the presenting problem.

  • Invigorates teams to go beyond problems, to ideate and formulate new positive practices.

  • Enthuses teams to own and sustain growth by embracing the changing environment.

Great design wins in the Integrated Network Economy.

Forecast to be 25% of the world economy by 2030. Companies must co-innovate, co-invest and collaborate to thrive. A design-led approach is essential. Businesses using strategic design outperform their peers (McKinsey).

Business person helps robot in need

Who can the HITMXE® method help?


From startup to upstart

You are a founder or an investor that needs help to conceptualise your venture into a “Minimum Lovable Product’ with a clear, transformative problem statement and Go-To-Market strategy.


From growing pain to gazelle

You are a business leader looking for ‘common sense’ SME digitalisation playbook galvanising CX, sales, marketing, channel and technology goals into a prioritised and budgeted digital initiatives roadmap.


From end-up to upend

You are a CMO, CHRO, CIO or Product Owner that needs a design strategy for the network economy and a way of reframing challenges in organisations already executing transformation or CX initiatives.


From future fear to future-fit

You are a conference, event organiser, speaker bureau, client or L&D lead looking for an engaging expert speaker to present a keynote, join a panel, facilitate a workshop or author thought leadership on topics driving business discourse.

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

Get In Touch

Please send a message if you want to find out more about the HITMXE™ solution, or if you have any feedback, requests, ideas or partnership opportunities, it would be lovely to hear from you!