Businesses today need to be more human to realise future potential

Evaluating the state of business change globally, simultaneously taking inspiration from pioneers, artists and institutions that have made the world better, to design a proprietary HITMXE™ method for lasting change.

Embracing futurism with enthusiasm, like science fiction of old.

Humans In The Machine is a boutique consultancy specialized in helping businesses and institutions of all sizes make smart choices that promote positive, lasting change for themselves and for their customers, by focusing on finding causes and divergent thought processes.


Help businesses break through their specific barriers to change and realise their future potential.

305 million new businesses launch worldwide each year, yet the gap with corporate giants is growing. We need a healthier marketplace.

We live in a machine that is designed to get us to neglect what is important about life.”

Professor Tim Kasser

The Attention Economy is thriving at our expense.

Compulsive attention-seeking is treated as a histrionic personality disorder. The hit of short-term validation impinges long-term choice; whether it is an expectant social media scroller, an expectant analyst, or an expectant CEO.

Find out how the unique HITMXE™ method promotes change for the better.

Great design wins in the Integrated Network Economy.

Forecast to be 25% of the world economy by 2030. Companies must co-innovate, co-invest and collaborate to thrive. A design-led approach is essential. Businesses using strategic design outperform their peers (McKinsey).

Find out how embracing a challenger mindset can grow businesses of every scale.

A few highlights:

“Power Of One”: I have been at the sharp end of realising Publicis Groupe’s connected vision in Asia. I worked across six media + digital agencies to drive integration and oversaw the Groupe SEA credentials. I envisioned, defined and ran the PGMD-SG strategy community – the only of its kind for the Groupe in Asia.

Go-To-Market: I was part of the original leadership team that established and grew Digitas APAC into a full-service Digital Experience Agency with revenues x3 between 2015 and 2021, growing from 5 to 17 markets. I have devised solutions and products to suit marketplace nuances to realise Digitas “experiences, connected” positioning.

Digital transformation: I’ve worked in multiple programs utilising the benefits of converged media and new sales models to change client business, internal capability and culture. I’ve offered oversight and change management for CXM programs across the project lifecycle.

Team leadership: Ability to provide direction, prioritise team goals and workload, or redesign teams when advantageous; providing the right motivation, coaching and mentoring environments.

Corporate success: I was pomoted three times at Nissan UK, my first job after university, finally responsible for a multi-million pound Cost-Centre and annual digital media budget. Working in Product Management gave me experience of complex business and portfolio planning, forecasting, supply-chain management and commercial negotiation with Nissan Europe.

I founded Humans In The Machine to reflect my passion for helping businesses to succeed alongside a different perspective on change, betterment and mastery, inspired by technology, culture, design, communications and health. I want HITMXE to grow by offering alternative modes for sustained growth beyond absolute scale.

Over more than two decades I have worked in a variety of agency strategy and corporate roles in Europe and Asia to know first-hand what creates future potential, how to breakdown barriers and the dynamics needed to get experts working together with a challenger mindset.

A little bit about me:

Get In Touch

Please send a message if you want to find out more about the HITMXE™ solution, or if you have any feedback, requests, ideas or partnership opportunities, it would be lovely to hear from you!