Humans In The Machine:

The HITMXE® method creates lasting change.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The HITMXE® 4R method for lasting change was created from an evaluation of business change globally, inspiration from free-thinking pioneers and decades working with clients across scales, sectors and geographies.

This revealed ten key sources of growing pain, which form the customised programs that provide targeted relief, a process and mindset for sustained growth outcomes.

The challenges we’ll confront and reasons for enthusiasm.

Behaviour change often evokes painful memories of grinding towards seemingly unattainable goals. These can distort perception toward pessimism and fatalism, when the reality isn’t that way. We need to look in more of the right places.

A key benefit of the HITMXE™ 4R method is that no matter what kind of work we undertake and at what phase, there is clear guidance on what happens next that’s flexible to all capabilities and capacities. To be future-fit the qualities we need to develop are realism, resilience, divergence and coherence.

  • Helps teams take action through diagnosis of a presenting problem causing growing pain.

    Like our bodies, organisations of all shapes and sizes possess problems and impairments where causes are all too often hidden by a conflation of symptoms: hearing, mobility, coordination, core strength, all issues that get in the way of growth. We start with a “Reveal to Release” diagnosis session to determine which of the 10 key sources of pain are getting in your way.

  • Creates team headspace through targeted pain relief having diagnosed the presenting problem.

    Targeted relief and management of diagnosed pain points. Typically delivered as Problem-Based Assignments against aligned outcomes. The goal is tactical tweaks that create space - mental, physical and temporal - utilising our expertise and playbook of solutions. Your organisation will have less pain and be more ready, able and motivated to pursue its full potential.

  • Invigorates teams to go beyond problems, to ideate and formulate new positive practices.

    Your organisation is ready, able and motivated to pursue its full growth potential through strategic design. We have a target state in mind that every type of organisation can aim for to thrive in an global integrated network economy. Strategies that create a new consensus between collaboration and independence, that balance optimisation with invention. Underpinned by a clear Go-To-Market strategy, roadmap and effective adaptation to emerging technologies.

  • Enthuses teams to own and sustain growth by embracing the ever-changing environment.

    We want to be able to tell meaningful, inspirational stories. That means instituting accountability for change outcomes at each stage and reviewing accomplishments (or failures) against today’s norms, to create dynamic positive reinforcement strategies. There’s craft to how we work with feedback beyond the functional, because humans respond to stories not systems.

Our design principles

Cultural icons show us better than anyone how to design for behaviour change. To look into the future, sometimes we need to look back at the past. Da Vinci, Warhol, The Beatles, Syd Mead, Jane Fonda, Iyengar, David Bowie, Yayoi Kusama, and Beyonce to name but a few - they changed the world we live in beyond “art”.






Get In Touch

Please send a message if you want to find out more about the HITMXE® method, to organise a one-to-one “Reveal to Release” diagnosis session, or if you have any feedback, requests, ideas or partnership opportunities, it would be lovely to hear from you!